The Thriving Business Blueprint


Grow a thriving business and monetise it in 90 days...


✔️ Crack the code for attracting your ideal clients that are an authentic match

✔️ Become a sales queen and build out your consistent income streams

✔️ Create the roadmap to becoming an irresistible version of yourself 

✔️ Achieve true work-life flow

Apply now for an exclusive discount + bonuses


Grow Your Business Now

Imagine if...


✔️ You had the clarity and confidence you need to turn your plans and ideas into actionable steps?

✔️ You had a simple and fun way to organise your business and finances?

✔️ You could grow your business and income working the hours you want?

...without spending every free hour hustling, feeling burnt out, overwhelmed or procrastinating, investing lots of money trying to find the right help?


Grow Your Business Now







Here's the problem...

Most business owners run their businesses:


...Overwhelmed by the big picture and unsure how to break things down into small steps

...Working “hard” all the time - constantly feeling burnt out, without clear boundaries for work-life balance

...Questioning their worth and if they have what it takes to make it

...Working alone without asking for help or support

...Feeling guilty about their money habits - from spending without thinking, to not saving enough, avoiding finances, working without a budget, not sticking to financial targets, having uncertainty about income or not paying themselves properly


Eventually, these business owners give up. And I don’t blame them! Feeling like you’re not going to make it is tough. And knowing that you have the potential to achieve all your dreams, yet feeling fearful or uncertain about how to do it can be so demotivating…. But it DOES NOT have to be this way!

Grow Your Business Now

Why I'm different.


 ✔️ I care deeply for your inner fulfillment, transformation, and happiness

✔️ I hold you accountable to your goals and help you transform them into action

✔️ I teach you how to develop your interpersonal skills & mindset to overcome your mental blocks

✔️ I show you how to create flow between your personal and business finances ​holistically in the areas of Debt, Spending, Saving, Income and Investment

✔️ I listen to your wants and needs and help you figure out how to build a thriving business according to the lifestyle YOU want and I support you through real life experiences, not just a textbook approach to organising your business and finances

✔️ ​I use an integrated learning approach with ongoing LIVE interactions and learning materials, via 1:1 personalised support, video calls and workbooks 

✔️ I am 100% results-driven - you get lifetime access to the training materials and resources so the value of the programme extends well beyond our 90 days together

Grow Your Business Now

The format.


Work on mindset and strategy during our weekly group coaching calls. This is a safe place where everyone is working on their own money and business journeys and is perfect for coaches, creatives and service-based business owners to collaborate and thrive together.

Before each group session, you’ll receive video lessons and worksheets to navigate through the content. Then when you come to class, you’ll be ready to work! Most students find it powerful to learn that others are having similar struggles and hear the creative ways they are showing up for themselves amongst the chaos of their lives and businesses.

Can’t wait to connect and grow together!

Grow Your Business Now

Hey đŸ‘‹ I'm Lia.


...and I founded Get Comfy With Money in April 2020. I know how it feels to want to build your own business and live your life YOUR way. I was a struggling entrepreneur with no real direction and a whole lot of debt. I had attempted to start several businesses during my 20’s and had consequently landed myself in over £27,000 worth of credit card debt. I needed to make money fast, but I didn’t want to go back into a 9-5 job…I still believed that I could make a business out of my passion - which is helping others to THRIVE doing what they love. But I had no real education, inconsistent income, no roadmap or plan on how to get there, and no clarity.

I worked really hard, I gained a few clients, made a little money and I knew I was willing to do what it took, but I quickly learned a hard lesson: you can have all the desire & motivation in the world… but unless you know how to create a CLEAR PATH to YOUR GOALS and stick consistently to the steps along the way… unless you know how to overcome your mental roadblocks and how to organise yourself - it’s not possible to build your dream business.

So I set off on a mission to learn everything I could about managing money and building a thriving business, in an effort to bring myself from inconsistent results and zero clarity to making consistent income and helping others do the same.

In my search to master everything about money and business, I was able to become so confident about my own finances and so clear about my business mission that I pulled myself out of credit card debt completely. I was able to buy a house and live my dream of working anywhere, travelling constantly and continuing to work with clients all over the world... And everyone started asking how they could replicate the same results in THEIR lives too.

So, I put together a programme to teach my signature methodology that has allowed me to live the life I want NOW and to feel really confident - and excited - about money. This is how "Thriving Business Blueprint” was born!

Grow Your Business Now

What Clients Say About TBB

Who better to talk about TBB than some of the clients who all stepped into this transformational journey, showed up consistently and were part of our incredible community last time 🔥

What will you learn in...

The Thriving Business Blueprint.

TBB is for Coaches, Creatives & Service-Based Business Owners who:

✨ Have an idea for a business or a side hustle they are ready to launch, but lack the guidance or confidence to take the plunge

✨ Are established and ready to become serious about skyrocketing their business and income, bringing balance and clarity into their lives


Your Roadmap

First step is planning where it is you want to go! You will set milestones and identify potential obstacles and challenges. You will set your financial and personal targets and make time to celebrate your achievements.


Money Mindset

Deconstruct and shift some of your leading beliefs and look at the story you've been telling yourself about money. You will make a bunch of discoveries on your self worth and financial worth and shift to more abundant thinking.


Get Comfy With Numbers

Build your business cashflow and personal budget. Explore your financial flow covering - debt, spending, saving, income and investing. Feel the power of knowing your numbers and having your systems automated.


The Strategy

Grow in confidence and clarity by turning your vision into a business and marketing strategy. Plan your launch, create an irresistible offer, develop your price positioning and decide what to delegate or automate.


Attract Your 'Yes' Clients

Humans invest in humans. It's time to tell your story, become visible and identify who you do (and don't) want to work with. Become a SALES QUEEN through establishing your USP and building an ascension model. Grow your social media presence authentically to you.


The Flow Formula

Have you considered the energy and hours it takes to achieve your goals? Create a flow that nourishes and excites you, allowing room for your personal and business goals. Find your own flow, your own rhythm.


Know Your Worth...and Charge It

Self (inner) worth and financial worth are not the same thing. It's easy to feel that what you're paid is an indication of your worth as a human. Let's bust that myth and find your pricing sweetspot!

🛠️ How About A Toolkit? 🛠️

This is the ultimate solution for coaches, creatives and service-based business owners! As part of TBB you will also get access to 15+ spreadsheets and a breakdown of how to set up and implement all you need for sales, finance, product launching, productivity and more... :-)

Grow Your Business Now

Frequently asked questions.


If you take the classes, do the exercises (and send me the completed work) and are not happy with your results, I’ll give you a 100% refund. No questions asked.


If you are ready to skyrocket your income and business in the next 90 days...🚀

Grow Your Business Now
Grow Your Business Now